Brazilian Magic Mushroom,
How the Magic Works:
- Warping Visuals – Are you a sucker for spiral, wavy patterns? This strain heavily warps your visuals, making everything appear to have depth and movement.
- Potent Psilocybin Content – Brazilian mushrooms not the most beginner-friendly unless taken in careful doses. A high concentration of psilocybin means that even small doses can result in vivid and deep introspection.
- Vivid Hallucinations – Used in ancient rituals and traditions for centuries, this strain of mushroom produces deep hallucinations that may overwhelm less experienced users.Brazilian Magic Mushroom
- Becoming One with All – The trip you’ll experience while under the effects of Brazilian mushrooms will fill you with excitement, curiosity, and euphoria. During the peak, you will experience a heightened appreciation for art, music, and nature, and will feel as if you are one with all things.
Trip Level Indicator:
- Level 0: A dosage ranging from 0.2-0.5g is what’s called a microdose. Micro dosing on alternating days results in improved creativity and thought flow.
- Level 1: With a dose of 0.8-1g, you’ll experience a high similar to that of weed but with emphasis on visuals, and lasts around 3 hours at most.
- Level 2: 1-2g is the ideal dosage for beginners and can result in mild-intense visuals depending on individual tolerance.
- Level 3: A dosage of 2-3g will consistently produce the classic psychedelic experience. You can expect up to 5 hours of intense visuals, thought loops, and existential ideas.
- Level 4: For experienced psychonauts to truly embark on a mental and spiritual journey, a dosage of 3-5g will have you questioning the building blocks of society, tasting sounds, and hearing colors.
- Level 5: Doses ranging from 7-10g or more are what’s called “ceiling discovery mode”. While not recommended, these types of dosages are almost certain to result in ego-death and existential crisis.
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